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Dear Readers,


As we mark the first anniversary of the launch of Fontes we want to hear your thoughts and views on the official magazine of the Diocese of Motherwell, what you like most about it and how you think it can be improved.


Please take part in our short survey below to help us improve Fontes.


God bless,

Diocesan Communications Commission

Fontes Magazine  February 2023  Issue 1 (2)_edited.png
Take our survey
How do you normally read Fontes?
How did you first find out about Fontes?
How would you generally rate Fontes?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
How would you rate the design of Fontes?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
How would you rate the quality of content and articles?
PoorFairGoodVery goodExcellent
Which of our regular content features do you most enjoy? (You can choose more than one)
Is Fontes easily available and promoted in your parish?
Would you consider volunteering to support the work of Fontes and/or the Diocesan Communications Commission. (If yes, we will email you to see how you can help)
5000 copies of Fontes are distributed in the Diocese each month at a cost of around £2000 per month. Fontes is currently free to ensure it is available for everyone. We therefore rely on donations and advertising revenue. If you have a business, would you consider supporting Fontes by taking out an advert?
If you had to pay for Fontes would you still support it?
Currently Fontes is issued monthly, with 10 editions a year (no edition in January or August). How often do you think Fontes should be issued?
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Diocese of Motherwell

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