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P6 - Eastertide

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Eastertide short version (click to open)
P6 Eastertide long version (click to open)


Exemplar narrative 1:

- Daily prayers
- School/class Masses
- Celebration of feast days as per Liturgical calendar
- Weekly Christian meditation
- In reflection on the story of Easter, the children will use the Gospel of Matthew to understand the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross.  Using the Hosanna play as a stimulus, the children will recall the roles of Pilate, Herod, Judas, the Apostles, Mary etc had in the story.  They will relate these roles to their lives today.  The children will investigate the Risen Christ and how people reacted when they encountered him.
(editor note:  should be complemented by the mission given by Jesus at his ascension; and by prayer and hope for the dead)

Exemplar narrative 2:


St. Ambrose cluster


- RERC 2-17a - recap prior learning, change of altar colours.


- RERC 2-07a - discussion of Holy Week, dramatisation of the Last Supper - breaking of bread/juice (Editor note: perhaps this could be better placed in Holy Week?). Discussion of link with baptism.


- RERC 2-21b - Carousel of what Christian means, identify three main aspects.


- RERC 2-18a - Visit to Church, identify and familiarise with the Paschal candle










- RERC 2-07a - read passages from Matthew and create a drama script/performance.

- Play - money raised to go to Sciaf.

Editor note: this contains many great ideas, however is a little bit selective with the core learning, and could profitably include e.g. baptism of adults at the Easter Vigil, origin of genuflection, prayer for the dead)

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