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P6 - Saints/Witness/Ministry

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Suffering short version (click to open)
P6 Suffering long version (click to open)


Click here for a podcast, aimed at teachers, about how God creates in Genesis 1-2
Click here for a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Liturgical time and Sacred time in Genesis
Click to hear a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Mission in the Church
Click here for a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Naming in the Book of Genesis


Exemplar narrative 1:

St. Aidan's Cluster meeting P6 group

- Week 1: Focus on Suffering in the Bible

- Session 1: Bible search - locate specific passages on suffering. Do in groups, then report back to class. (Approx 4 groups)

- Session 2: Explore meaning of passages. Link to ourselves. Children to explore further through role-play.

- Session 3: Children present role plays to class. Children choose one scene to write 
   about and draw in jotters (not their own scene).

-Week 2: The Saints and Martyrs

- Session 1: Prior to this session, children to research saints using ICT. 
   Drama - prepare scene on chosen saint in groups.

-Session 2: Prepare a Biography of Saint - main details of life, how suffered.

-Session 3: Discuss how this relates to their own lives. Plenary.

-Week 3: Charity and Helping those who Suffer


-Charitable organisations

- Poor in world.

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