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Family Life

To help couples and individuals understand God’s Plan for Marriage and Family Life by:
Providing the support and skills needed to help them live out this plan in their daily lives.
Affirming the sacredness of life, the sanctity of marriage, the sacramentality of the family and a Christian lifestyle.
Promoting the Catholic vision of the family as “the Domestic Church” and a “school of holiness.
Providing formation and continuing support in the areas of Marriage Preparation, Marriage Enrichment and Natural Family Planning
Empowering families to share their faith in the home, parish, workplace and in the community.
Diocesan team
Rev. Michael Kane PhB MA STL - Co-ordinator
Mr. Michael Hartley
Mrs. Nora Hartley
Familiaris Consortio of Pope John Paul II
Summary Outline of On the Good of Marriage by St Augustine
Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae of The Supreme Pontiff Paul VI
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