Society of the Innocents
Our Society grew from a seed sown by Mgr. Philip Flannigan. He was parish priest at Sacred Heart Parish in Bellshill where he also looked after the spiritual welfare of staff and patients of the then largest maternity hospital in Lanarkshire, Bellshill Maternity. This was around the time of The Abortion Act (1967) of David Steel and the Mgr. and his assistant priests experienced first hand some of its worst effects.
As a result of his concerns and with the support of Bishop Thomson, the Bishop of Motherwell, the Society of the Innocents was formed in Lanarkshire in 1977.
Two Sisters of the Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception were deployed to work alongside volunteer counsellors.
Bishop Thomson initially made available the old Parish house in Laird St in Coatbridge. Two moves later we find ourselves in Viewpark Rd. in Motherwell.
The Society continues to be supported by His Lordship Bishop Toal, Bishop of Motherwell; Fr Hugh Kelly, Chaplain; our Franciscan Sisters, Sr. Rosaria & Sr. Maria Goretti, and volunteer counsellors.

Contact Details
Society of the Innocents
4 Laird Street