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Clergy Appointments

Bishop Toal has announced the following clergy changes due to take place in the Diocese during the summer:

Father Charles Coyle, recently ordained, to become Assistant Priest at Our Lady of Lourdes, East Kilbride, along with Mgr Tom Millar and Fr Sean Wylie. Fr Sean has recently taken on the Chaplaincy at St Andrew and St Bride’s High School. (from September)

Father Kieran Hamilton, recently ordained, to become Assistant Priest at St Patrick’s Shieldmuir and St Thomas’ Wishaw. (from August)

Rev. Mark O'Donnell, to be ordained on 3rd July, to become Assistant Priest of St Joseph’s and St John Ogilvie’s, Blantyre. (from September)

Father Damien Gilhooley, Parish Priest of St James' Coatbridge, to retire having reached the age of 75. Thanks to Fr Damien for his many years of priestly ministry in the Diocese. Fr Damien will reside at St Bernard’s Shawhead and will make himself available to assist others wherever required. (from August)

Father Kenny Campbell, Parish Priest of St Barbara's Muirhead, to become, in addition, Administrator of St James’ Coatbridge. (from 10/11 August)

Rev. Kevin Lawrie, to be ordained on 16th July, to become Assistant Priest of St Barbara's Muirhead and St James' Coatbridge. Rev. Kevin will also assist with the Hospital Chaplaincy at Monklands Hospital. (from 10/11 August)

Father Bernard Zulu, Administrator of St Monica's Coatbridge, is returning to his native Zambia. Thanks to Fr Bernard for the three years he has spent with us and for his ministry in St Columbia’s, Viewpark, St Bernard’s and St Monica’s, Coatbridge. His pastoral care was much appreciated in each parish, as it was in Monklands Hospital, which he attended to very faithfully. We will miss Fr Bernard as we wish him every blessing for the future. (from 16 July)

Father Ghislain Bakikure Mulumanzi, Parish Priest of St John Bosco's Easterhouse, to become Parish Priest of St Monica’s Coatbridge from the first weekend in August. Fr Ghislain will assist Fr James Travers in the chaplaincy of St Andrew’s High School. (from 3/4 August)

Father James Thomson, Parish Priest of St Mary's Lanark, St Isidore's Biggar and St Mary Magdalene's Forth, to become Parish Priest of St John Bosco’s as from this week but will only leave his present parishes of Lanark and Biggar at the end of August. (from 1 July however will remain PP of Lanark until the end of August)

Father Thomas Doyle, Parish Priest of St Bride’s, Bothwell, to become Parish Priest of St Mary’s Lanark, St Isidore’s, Biggar and St Mary Magdalene’s, Forth. (from last weekend of August)

Father Brian Lamb, Parish Priest of St Joseph's & St John Ogilvie's Blantyre, to become, in addition, Parish Priest of St Bride's Bothwell. Father John Paul McShane will become Assistant Priest of St Bride's. It is intended that Fr McShane will minister extensively in St Bride’s but will continue to live in St Joseph’s with Fr Lamb and the newly ordained Fr O’Donnell. (from last weekend of August)

Father Bruce McPhail, Assistant Priest of The Cathedral Parish, to be Assistant Priest of St Andrew's Airdrie and resident in St Andrew's. Fr Bruce will also be the main chaplain to Monklands Hospital with responsibility also for arranging the rota for Emergency Cover. (from last weekend of July)

Father Paul Denney, having completed his Licence in Sacred Scripture at the Biblicum in Rome, to become Assistant Priest of The Cathedral Parish. (from first weekend of August)

Please pray for all priests taking up new appointments over the coming months and for our newly ordained priests beginning their ministry in the Diocese.


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