Scottish Catholic Bishops Conference Committee for Inter-Religious Dialogue The following is a message from Fr Charles Coyle.
I sit on the Scottish Catholic Bishops Conference Committee for Inter-Religious Dialogue. I'd like to invite anyone in the Diocese who has an interest in Inter-religious Dialogue to a meeting in in St Anthony's Church Hall on Saturday 20th of August at 11.00am. This will be an opening meeting for a possible Diocesan group who would organise and lead dialogue with any other faith groups who are currently based within the boundary of our Diocese.
I am sure there are many people in the Diocese who have maintained good relations with people of other faiths, and I would particularly like to meet them and learn from them.
I am specifically interested in:
• Compiling a register of all non-Christian faith groups who are active within our Diocese • Developing a network of people who have established dialogue, or who are interested in establishing dialogue with other faith groups
If you are interested in participating, please contact Fr Coyle on frcoyle@rcdom.org.uk.