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Fr Reilly celebrates 25 years

Congratulations to Father Stephen Reilly who celebrates the Silver Jubilee of his Ordination to the Priesthood today.

Fr Stephen was ordained on 7th July 1997 in St Barbara's Muirhead by Bishop Joseph Devine and has served as Assistant Priest of St Bride's Bothwell, St Mary's Hamilton and St Bernadette's Motherwell where he was later appointed Parish Priest. He also served as Chaplain to Cardinal Newman High Bellshill and Taylor High New Stevenson, Diocesan Youth Chaplain, HCPT Chaplain, Director of the Pastoral Centre and on the staff of Scotus College.

Since 2016 Fr Stephen has been the Co-ordinator of Spiritual and Pastoral Formation at The University of Glasgow, residing firstly at St Columbkille's Rutherglen and now at the Cathedral Parish in Motherwell.

We offer our prayers for Father Stephen on this special anniversary, giving thanks to God for his ministry in our Diocese and ask the Lord to continue to bless him in his priestly ministry. Ad multos annos.


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