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Resource for when Mass cannot be celebrated publicly

The Scottish Catholic Liturgy Commission has produced a resource for parishioners to use at home for when Holy Mass cannot be celebrated publicly.

Click here to download this resource. You can also print it off to give to someone who may not have access to the internet.


In this disturbing time for the world and for the Church, we feel the need more than ever to “lift up our hands in prayer.” Even when the Mass is not available or we are confined to home or hospital, we can still bring ourselves, and our hopes and fears, before the Lord, asking for his strength and consolation. We can remain part of the worldwide prayer of the Church, asking the Father to deliver us from our current evils, and through the practice of spiritual communion unite ourselves to the Eucharistic Sacrifice our priests will be offering privately. We can still keep the Lord’s Day holy. The prayers in this booklet are offered to help us do this. Surely our voice will be heard.

With every blessing,

+ Hugh Gilbert OSB,

Bishop of Aberdeen, President of the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland


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