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Diocesan Synod Report

The final Diocesan Synod Report for the Diocese of Motherwell has now been issued and can be read below.

Reflection from Bishop Toal on Receiving the Diocesan Synthesis on the Synod on Synodality.

It was a moving experience for me to receive the Diocesan Synthesis of all the reports produced for

the Synod on Synodality at the ParaLiturgy on Ascension Thursday. It seems to me that a great

amount of work has been done by all who have participated and I express my gratitude to you all.

A special word of thanks to Fr Tom Magill and his team who have prepared and organised the

Synodal Process in the Diocese, and have now put together the Synthesis from all the responses

received. The Synthesis highlights the Love for the Lord and his Church expressed and witnessed to

by the People of the Diocese of Motherwell through participating with such faith and enthusiasm in

the Synodal Process. A particular expression of this has been shown by those who have offered so

much time and energy to ensuring we responded to the call of Pope Francis to participate in the

Synod by organising and presenting the suggested format and then receiving and collating the

responses. Many thanks also to all who have guided the sessions at Diocesan and Parish levels, and

in the Schools and for other participating groups.

On Ascension Day the Lord asked the Apostles to remain in Jerusalem to await the outpouring of the

promised Holy Spirit so they might indeed be his witnesses to the ends of the earth. They did so and

joined in continuous prayer with Mary until the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost and so

began the Church’s Mission. We, as the People of God today, have received the same Spirit and

participate in communion with one another in the Lord’s Mission. As we pray with Mary for the

renewal of the Holy Spirit among us this Pentecost we thank God for the graces already received

this year through the praying, listening, and communicating with each other experienced in the

Synodal Meetings. We now ask the Lord to bestow upon us the gifts of the Holy Spirit so that we

might discern from the Synthesis how best to continue the Lord’s Mission here in Motherwell

Diocese in the challenging times ahead. May the Holy Spirit lead us in our search and may Mary’s

example and intercession keep us in communion with the Lord and with one another in his Body, the


+Joseph Toal

27 th May 2022


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