Bishop Toal commends the full and uplifting note in which the Church’s “nihil obstat” is given for the faithful to value and participate in the spirituality experienced in Medjugorie itself and so loved by so many of the faithful across the world, not least here in Motherwell Diocese. No judgment is made about the supernatural nature of the “alleged visions” nor on the “visionaries” themselves. The powerful call to continual conversion to Christ, leading to renewed faith and dedicated Christian witness, in the Gospa’s messages are highlighted, while concerns with some messages are also acknowledged. The Church’s message though, after these years of discernment, is that the Medjugorie message and spiritual experience is producing many fruits and is a great blessing for the Church.
May the maternal love of Mary, Queen of Peace, continue to be experienced by all who seek her intercession and are brought closer to her Son Jesus through the joyful spiritual experience and the renewed commitment arising from Medjugorie and its devotional and charitable activities.
Follow the link below to read the full text of “ The Queen of Peace”: Note About the Spiritual Experience Connected with Medjugorje