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P5 - Holy Week

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Holy Week short version (click to open)
P5 Holy Week long version (click to open)

Holy Week Resource:
Click here for a well-presented power point summary of the events of Holy Week
Click here for an accompanying activity idea, the diary entry of a Roman soldier/other witness

Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about how Jesus' death brought peace and 
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Old Covenant and New Covenant
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Passover
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about Sacrfice in the Old and New Testaments
Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, about the Symbols of a Funeral Liturgy

Exemplar narrative 1:

P5/6 and P6 St Thomas' Primary, Wishaw

- General aim:  to link RE, language and drama through a cross-curricular study

Resource: Sorrowful mysteries, Bible, Jesus of Nazareth DVD

General outline: 
- read appropriate passages in the Gospel
- watch corresponding DVD clip
- discuss from different perspectives e.g. Jesus, mary, Pontius Pilate
- follow-up assessment - drama or various genre of writing
(See slideshow below)

Agony in the Garden:
- role-play, t-chart for feelings/emotions, similes using emotions and feelings
- writing - diary entry from apostles' point of view

Scourging at the pillar
- t-chart events (arrest, Peter's denial, Judas' betrayal, scourging at the pillar) and feelings 
- writing: a letter from Jesus to his Mother

Crowning with Thorns
- hot seating
- writing - diary entry revealing how Pontius Pilate felt

Carrying of the Cross/Crucifiction
- writing - newspaper article

* One class produced a play for the whole school assembly
* One class saved SCIAF money to buy Real Gifts which were gifted to St Thomas' Primary, St Patrick's parish, and St Thomas' Parish
* Both classes completed Lent booklets - prayer, fasting and almsgiving

Exemplar narrative 2:

John Ogilvie cluster group

- Crucifix permanently in class: class discussion at this point

- Palm Sunday: underline joyous celebration: read scripture, and show film/animation of Jesus 
entering Jerusalem

- Last Supper:  personal experience of celebrations and meals; read scripture (Mark 14: 
- Being prayerful and reflection: children compose their own prayers, recited in a class prayer service

- Passion: celebrate Stations of the Cross
- Comparison of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem to his arrest and death

- Read Mark 15: 42-47 and discuss the care and respect shown for Jesus' body 

- Compare and contrast a Catholic Requiem Mass: symbols, signs, use of incense, oil which was used by Mary and the women to prepare Jesus' body for burial

(Editor note 1: perhaps this could be complemented by a look at Peter, and the suffering servant of Isaiah, as per core learning)
(Editor note 2: For a presentation clip of Peter's denial see

Write:    Write a prayer - using key words from key vocabulary
Say:       Continuing saying class prayer throughout Lent
Make:    Continue adding to 'Jesse' type tree to say sorry, put sins/intentions in wee envelopes, 
using as focus for prayer.
Do:         Drama - retelling the passion story


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