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P5 - Healing: Jesus and the Sacraments

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Trinity and the St Ambrose cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P5 Healing short version (click to open)
P5 Healing long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1:

St Margaret's cluster meeting P5 group

-          Thought shower: “What is a miracle?”  “What miracles have you heard of?”

-          Form co-operative learning groups, each group explore one of the healing miracles – choose media to present to whole class

-          Modern-day healers, brief discussion – same co-operative learning groups research using ICT

-          Group write reports – present to class

-          Whole-class lesson, discussion of sacraments with emphasis on healing sacraments

-          Visit from Parish Priest to explain Anointing of the Sick

-          Reconciliation as a spiritual healing: ‘Wipe clean’ activity to show forgiveness of sins using whiteboard

-          write prayers of petition and thank-you prayers

-          Class go to Sacrament of Reconciliation – prayer service at which children read out their prayers of petition, especially for the sick

Assessment Ideas: 1
Write:    Report - Features, Style, Content.
Say:      Discuss prior knowledge of miracles, stories - biblical.
             Present findings to class (ppt.).
             Discuss Sacrament of Reconciliation (healing focus)
Make:   Create thought shower.
             Make ppt. presentation.
Do:       Prayer Service.
             Drama - Choose a miracle.

Assessment Ideas: 2
Write:    Report on healing miracles.
              Write prayers in response to discussions.
Say:       Thought shower.
               Co-op research and presentation of healing miracles.
               Class discussion on healing miracles and through Sacraments.
               Share prayers with others.
Make:     Make prayer cards/books to display or share at Reconciliation service.
               film/Video of photos or images to show their response and understanding
               of theme.
Do:         Co-op research on miracles and presentation to class.
               Wipe clean sin activity (Whiteboards)
               Share prayers at Reconciliation service(s).

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