P6 - Lent
These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Mary short version (click to open)
P6 Mary long version (click to open)

Exemplar narrative 1: St Patrick's, Strathaven
- set up an altar for Our Lady in class as a focus for prayer/meditation
- Memorare (learn and display)
- Learn about each decade of the rosary, rosary beads and the importance of Our Lady
- Recite decade of the rosary daily
- Locate passages of the Bible that refer to Mary and the importyance of her as a mother.
Art and design:
- Children learn about the image of Our Lady, the artistic history behind religious imagery and the use of the colour blue in Western art
- Make rosary beads for display
- Research history of Lourdes/Fatima
- Write a diary entry from St Bernadette, her friend or a family member. Share with the class to show the different perspectives and the importance of faith.

Exemplar narrative 2:
John Ogilvie cluster group
- whole school recite decade of rosary during May and October
- lunchtime rosary club during May and October
- learn about each decade of the rosary - create own prayers and artwork
- make class rosary beads
- learn about Mary's titles - word search
- marriage feast at Cana - drama
- Lourdes and Fatima - research, presentation, art work, mapping work
(Editor note: also know and reflect on the Memorare, as per core learning)
Write: Recount mystery of Rosary
Recall Marriage Feast at Cana
Say: Say Rosary
Make: Make Rosary beads
Do: Find Fatima/Lourdes on map (could use Google Earth)

Exemplar narrative 3:
St Andrew's and St Bride's cluster meeting group
(Working group note: suggested date October)
Suggested activities:
- Arrange a school Mass for the end of the week and include prayers through the intercession of Mary
- Whole-school rosary every morning
- Power Point on Lourdes. HCPT - The Pilgrimage Trust video and/or speaker
- Dramatise Wedding Feast at Cana based on biblical scripture
- Children write their own prayer to Mary and recite in class
- Teach the hymn "Hail Mary"
Assesssment Ideas:
Write: Newspaper report on Wedding Feast at Cana.
Diary entry as Mary writing about her Faith/Being closer to God.
Say: Meditation (Christian)
Recite composed prayer.
Advert persuading people to visit chosen pilgramage.
Hail Mary (French/Spanish)
Make: Paper mache Rosary beads.
Creating image of Our Blessed Lady with clay.
Do: Accurate interpretation of dramatised "Wedding Feast at Cana".
Role-play - Apparations of Our Blessed Lady - children in role play.