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P6 - Beginning of the School Year

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by the Holy Cross cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P6 Beginning of Year short version (click to open)
P6 Beginning of Year long version (click to open)


Click to see a powerpoint about the making and spirituality of icons, in this case an icon of St Ninian, written as part of a Farmington fellowship


Exemplar narrative 1:

Cardinal Newman Cluster meeting P6 group


Personal Prayer:

- Prayers can be inspired by Gospel of Matthew and various Icons or art stimulus.
-Write own personal Prayer
-Class prayer /establish class altar with liturgical colours
- time to pray together
- writting themes e.g. recounts from Gospel of St. Matthew

-Analyse traditional prayers and annotate

-First Friday Mass /class Mass

- Parts of the Bible

-How to reference - book, chapter, verse

- Area set aside within the class - prominence of the Bible (altar)

-Model holding/reading/listening to the Word of God

- Bible stories to show human and divine side of Jesus

Write - Produce own prayer including ambitions for their year
         - Write recount on Gospel of St Matthew
         - Write bidding prayers for Mass
         - Recounting stories and themes from the Gospel
         - Poems; write own poems to go qith Bible stories.

Say - Say prayer
       - Recount orally in own words
       - Read bible passages
       - Recounting stories and themes from the Gospel
       - Partner discussions about prayer within life.

Make - Make icon to pray to
          - Make class altar
          - Make prayer book - personal/class/traditional
          - Make front covers for Bible stories
          - Junk modelling from scene from Bible
          - Make up a song or a rap.
Do - Group presentation
      - Solo talk
      - Role play
      - Participate in class mass
      - Locating Bible references
      - Demonstrate an understanding that the Bible is a sacred book
      - Use drama to convey Bible story
      - Meditation.


Exemplar narrative 2:

St. Mary's, Caldercruix

Prayers to be revised:

-Morning/Night Prayers
-Our Father/Hail Mary
-Grace before and after meals

Prayers to be taught:
-Act of sorrow

-Use the Icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help as focus for communal prayer.

-Set up Bible stand in classroom and introduce the children to the liturgical colours.

-Locate Baptism of Jesus, Peter's confession and the Transfiguration using chapter and verse scriptural reference in Matthew's Gospel.

-First Friday Mass

-Mass 8/9 September - Our Lady's Birthday.

Assesssment Ideas:
Write:    Writing personal prayers.
              Write a list for the other names given to Jesus. 
Say:       Being able to say daily prayers and some important prayers that
              they say in Mass.
Make:    A guide to meditation.
              Make a fact list/poster about the Bible.
              Make a collection of favourite Bible stories.
              Illuminated Bible pages.
Do:        Cooperative task using  A1 paper split down the middle - show that Jesus 
              is Divine and Human. Repeat at end of block to show what has been learned.
              Daily meditation.

            (Seperate note stating - Literacy - "Can locate scriptural references) .

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