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P2 - Eastertide

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Aidan's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P2 Eastertide short version (click to open)
P2 Eastertide long version (click to open)

Church tour, St Bernadette's, Motherwell

Exemplar narrative 1:

Trinity learning community meeting working group

Part 1:
- visit the church - explore liturgical colours
- interview parish priest - question and answer
- change class altar to all white -invite children to bring in something white to display on/near the altar/help dress the altar (material/card?)

Part 2:
- build a cross - children can attach a speech bubble/cloud to show how they show love/know Jesus loves them
- read, share and discuss children's bible story
- read John 21/John 20 - devise drama linked to these
- create storyboards (groups/pair)

Part 3:
- discuss important celebrations in our lives e.g. birthdays etc
- children could create a family tree of their own after discussion of Jesus and his family

Assessment ideas:
 Colour in vestments - match to time of the Church year.  
            Paired learning - sequence of Easter story - making a folded card.  
            Write/draw family celebration.
Say:    Discuss questions and video interview with parish priest.  
            Listen to appropriate bible story and discuss.  
            Circle time discussion of family celebrations.
Make:  Collage of how children show love/know Jesus - a patchwork of their speech bubbles
            Easter cards
            Paint eggs and egg rolling - being able to explain the origin of this tradition
Do:      Independently dress class altar - white
            Collaborative learing - compile a short Easter dramach and school.

Colouring, cutting out and sequencing the events of Holy Week, P1/2 St Gerard's, Bellshill

Exemplar narrative 2: St Aidan's Cluster Group Meeting

 - Dress class altar in white and ask children to bring something white to display on the altar (Re-visit Liturgical Colours)
- wall display - Cross made up of Lenten promises.
- Painting stones to represent tomb (gather from outside)

 - New life (Spring) - baby chicks, lambs etc. (Art & design)
- Easter songs.
- Three different colours of pipe cleaners - children entwine them to make a cross - each represent - Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

 - Story of Easter Sunday - sequencing pictures and writing about it.

 - read the Bible stories about what happened after Jesus rose from the dead.  (Meeting the two travellers and breaking bread etc.)

 - Reflectiion - co-op learning - different celebrations(neat poster with celebrations on it with pictures)

 -  Draw a picture of how your family celebrate.

 - Children design their own Easter Egg and Bonnet and have a parade.

 - Dramatisation of Holy Thursday - Last Supper (Bread & Water) - Washing of the Feet.

 - Discussion of good thief and the bad thief!

Write - Individual promises and add to the cross during prayer service
          - Easter story.

Say - Easter songs
       - Bible stories (recount)
       - Celebration poster.

Make - Painting stones to represent the tomb
          - Pipe cleaner cross
          - Celebration poster.

Do - New life, baby chicks
      - Story of Easter Sunday, sequencing.

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