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P2 - Mary

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Aidan's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P2 Mary short version (click to open)
P2 Mary long version (click to open)


Click to listen to a podcast, aimed at teachers, which is an Introduction to the Rosary

Our talents, St Dominic's Airdrie

Exemplar narrative 1:

St Bernadette's, Motherwell

Each class in our school presents one assembly per year, at which the whole school is present.  We also invite the parents and family members.  As our assembly fell during May, we decided to have the assembly on the theme of Our Lady and the Rosary.

We presented the story of Mary in word and song.  We told and acted out the story of the Annunciation, and how Mary said 'yes' to God's invitation.  We presented the story of the apparition of Our Lady to our school patroness St Bernadette, and showed the audience the Lourdes artwork we had made.  We crowned one of the class with flowers, as she was playing the part of Mary.  We made up a 'living rosary', with pupils dressed in pink representing the beads of the rosary, and prayed the First Joyful Mystery together.

Everyone really enjoyed the chance to link This is Our Faith, art, drama, music etc.  We also encouraged all our guests to join in the singing, and lots of them said it took them back to their school days.

Click here for our P2 May assembly script

Gabriel announces the good news to Mary

Our Lady appears to St Bernadette in Lourdes

Our Lourdes artwork

The Our Father bead of the 'living rosary'

The rosary wall display

Setting the scene for the Annunciation

Exemplar narrative 2:

St Aidan's cluster working group

During the month of May, we will learn about Mary the Mother of Jesus and why and how we honour her.  We will share with each other what we already know about Mary.  We will build on this and reinforce the Christmas narrative from RERC 2-05a.


·          Discuss why May is a special month in the 
           Church’s calendar. 

·         Discuss where do children see 
          Icons/Pictures/Statues of Mary?

·         Involve the children in setting up a May altar in class.

·         Invite children to contribute to May altar. e.g. flowers, candles, own work.

·         Gather children daily at altar to honour Mary with “mini” Rosary. (Our Father 3  Hail Marys, and                Glory Be) and selected hymns.

·         Teach Rosary as a prayer we share e.g.  split in half Hail Mary (Boys/Girls) 

·          Visit Church/Marian Pilgrimage Centre, Carfin

·         End of theme Prayer Service /Procession to honour Mary, with scripture reading about Mary.

Our Lady prayer flower, St Benedict's Easterhouse
Our Lady prayer flower, St Benedict's Easterhouse

Exemplar narrative 3:

OLHS Cluster

-Previous knowledge 
        - what we know
        - What we want to know  

Revisit the nativity - watch video of class/stage performance

- Partnership recitation of Hail Mary - Coop learning - find the correct order of 

- Whole school Rosary at same time every week.

- Make a pasta Rosary - friendship bracelet.

- Focus on making difficult decisions during circle time. Reflect on how the Holy Spirit 
   helped Mary. (John the Baptist, St. Joseph ...)

- Meditate asking for the Holy Spirit to help us make the correct choice (link to H&Wb)

- Ed. for love - Annunciation and mothers role.

- Icons - internet - visit Church - visit images around the school

- Focus on similarities - colour blue

- Names of Mary - flashcards, display, homework task.

- Create own icon using art materials -stained glass.

- Visit Carfin grotto - participate in procession.

- Write Mary bidding prayers.

- Use colours appropriate to Mary to create class altar.

- Send home a relic/emblem/statue for each child to take care of.  Complete diary or 
   prayer book to be passed on the next day.

- Sing Hail Mary and other Marian Hymns; Ave Maria, Gentle Woman, Bring Flowers.

- Think about the sign of the cross and the Holy Spirit.

- Think about which saints we might pray to.

Write - Taught writing report/review of Nativity performance
          - Complete education for love activities and lessons
          - Label different parts of the church
          - Bidding prayers for Mary.

Say - Participate in the recital of the Rosary
       - Circle time discussion about decisions and consequences
       - Family prayer with statue of Mary.

Make - Produce a pasta rosary/friendship bracelet
          - Make a stained glass window of a chosen icon
          - Make a class altar, paper flowers.

Do - Hail Mary sequencing activity cut and stick
      - Meditate on ways to make the right choices
      - Visit church, focus on the icons
      - Look at a variety of pictures on Mary, compare for similarities
      - Visit Carfin Grotto
      - Sing hymns
      - Make the sign of the cross.

Our Lady prayer flower, St Benedict's Easterhouse

Exemplar narrative 4:

St Aidans Cluster Group Meeting

- Class discussion about the importance of our own Mums
        - ask children to bring in pictures of Mum.
        - Why is Mum special?
        - What does your Mum do?
 - Discuss a time when Mum was worried and relate this to Mary being worried about Jesus.  
 - Read - Finding of the child Jesus in the Temple.
 - Read story of the Annuciation
        - How Mum prepared for their arrival.
 - Classroom altar - especially May/October.
 - Make Rosary beads. (Pasta)
 - Hail Mary powerpoint lesson.
 - Re-cap story of the Visitation.
 - Make a 'Mary Cloth' blue material.
 - Hymns - (creative Prayer in the classroom.
 - Prayer service - Invite Mums/Grans.

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