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P1 - Those who care

These exemplar narratives follow the core learning chosen by St Andrew's cluster group/working group and contained in the diocesan planning exemplars:
P1 Those who care short version (click to open)
P1 Those who care long version (click to open)


Our families, St Bernadette's Motherwell

P1 Northern cluster group


  • Learn through topics - People who help us, using e.g. Percy the Park Keeper


  • ntroduce people in school - interview, photo (ICT), paint


  • Then community     

                                    - fireman visits 
                                    - role play
                                    - job descriptions
                                    - walk

  • Story - Good Samaritan


  • Who cares for us? - story of Percy the Park Keeper caring for the animals/Winter/One snowy night - who cares for us?

  • Meditation - link to caring/safe place - only you and God


  • Family caring - what do you do to show love to your family?  Bring photos in of your family.  How did you get your name?  Why was it chosen?


Interviewing the janitor, St Bartholomew's, Coatbridge

Exemplar narrative 2:

Taylor High cluster

-RERC 0-20a/RERC-0-02a
                                    - Discuss families. Show and tell using photographs and 
                                       drawings to discuss family structures.
                                    - Discuss what families do for each other, highlighting the 
                                       different roles and talents which the extended family shares.
                                    - Discuss the Holy Family and the family of the Church.

- Friends: What makes a good friend "A good friend is..."

- Jigsaw picture: laminate class picture, cut out and let the children reassemble it 
   to show that they belong to a class family.

- Community/ visit to Church
   - Invite community visitors eg. lollipop person, police, into the class to discuss their 
      role and talents.
    - Visit to the Church to see the priest.

- Chilren draw a portrait of soomeone who helps them: Co op learning groups everyone 
   gets a  petal for a flower and talents are written on them. The person who is in the 
   middle of the flower receives it when the flower is complete.

-RERC 0-03a
- See suggested hymns
- Children write their prayers and say them during plenary (at prayer time).
- Prayer service inviting all the people who help them - a thanksgiving service.

Write - What they think a good friend does.

Say - Tell members of family
       - Discuss/state what families do for each other
       - Name members of the Holy Family.

Make - Characteristics surrounding a figure (Drama) of a person/friend.

Do - Draw a picture of themself with their family.

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